Facials | Advanced Skin Care | Massage and Body Treatments | Manicures Pedicures |Waxing |Eyelash and Eyebrow Treatments |Electrolysis Ear Piercing | Natural Spray Tans
I work fast and safely and have been succssully carrying out Eletrolysis for 20 years having trained in England. And continue to achieve desired results.
Electrolysis is a process and usually takes some commitment from you, depending on hair growth cycle and frequency of visits to the salon you will achieve the hair to no longer grow.
Minimum $45.00 for 10 minutes. $3.50 per minute after
Is it really permanent?
Electrolysis remains the only method allowed by the Beauty Industry’s Governing Body to claim that it offers permanent hair removal. It is also defined in the BMA’s ‘Complete Family Health Encyclopaedia’ as the only means of permanent hair removal.
First invented in 1875 and initially used for in-growing eyelashes by ophthalmologist, Charles E Michel, electrolysis had progressed over a century and with ongoing improvements and modern technology it is a safe, comfortable, effective treatment and still very much in demand with clients today.
Nearly all areas of the body and all types of hair and skin can be successfully treated.
How does it work?
A very fine disposable sterile needle or probe, about the size of a small eyelash, is introduced into the individual hair follicle to the correct depth and a small amount of current is released. This eventually destroys the root of the hair by cutting off the blood supply which feeds the hair starving it of nourishment and nutrients. As a result of this the hair becomes finer with often lighter hair growth and eventual demise of the hair. The ability of the hair follicle to produce a hair is destroyed rather than the hair itself.
How many treatments will I need?
Each hair requires more than one treatment because each individual hair has its own growing cycle and blood supply. Electrolysis works by weakening the hair and eventually destroying it. Courses of treatment are therefore imperative. Results take a little more time, similar to dieting it’s not the crash diet but the healthy eating plan that works in the long run.
Is a course of treatments recommended?
Definitely as each hair requires more than one treatment because each individual hair has its own growing cycle and blood supply. Electrolysis works by weakening the hair and eventually destroying it. Courses of treatment are therefore imperative and results take a little time. A fine probe (resembling the size of an eyelash) is inserted into the hair follicle where a tiny burst of energy is targeted at the root of the hair. This prevents nutrients feeding the hair and the hair becomes weaker and finer. After a course of treatments the hair is no longer able to grow and complete hair free results are obtained.